Thank you once again, Father God, for Jesus. Yes, I do feel and sense His protection over me and mine. Today, I’ve made several phone calls as the Holy Spirit directed. Do I know the total reason or outcome for the calls at that moment? No! What I do know is to OBEY, quickly!
When I call someone, as the two of us share openly, each is edified and encouraged. For over four years the newsletter team and I have been obediently putting out the Ark newsletter and discovering a book in the making.

by Sally Stokes Weiesnbach
The title emerged as “Becoming Perfect” with the subtitle “Let the Perfector Perfect His Work in You”. It is a workbook and is called a guide for spiritual journey. The first 250 copies are available on Amazon for $14.95, because obviously, there are expenses and funds will return to the Ark for furthering the Good News locally and with our worldwide mentoring. Thank you, readers and helpers, for your encouragement, support and prayers,,, and Wow, Father God: Thank You!
Like Paul had, my 84-year-old body has some painful issues. I’ve long understood that these physical ailments are sent from Satan to beat me up. Satan wants each of us to quit, cease from fulfilling our God-given purpose. (Romans 8:28, GNB)
That father of lies wants to use the bad to keep us from the best and happiness promised. Father God will keep His promises to each believer. Father God desires that none should perish. (II Peter 3:9) That’s why He sent Jesus to Earth to reconcile, teach, and guide us into complete perfection. That takes a lifetime journey of submission to His will.
Like Paul, I can truly say, “I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutors, and difficulties for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak then I am strong.” (II Corinthians 12:10, GNB) I’m not yet perfect, but I’m on my way, with the help of the Holy Spirit. The combination of all good and bad in life keeps me from a selfish, puffed up pride! My life in Christ is exciting! “I have expectations of greater joy through suffering and even having my eyes opened through distress.” (Job36:15 GNB) God is GOOD all the time!
The miracle of this book has been, and continues to be the truth of God’s promise. HE will give us more than we dare to dream, imagine, or believe is possible. Is God partial to perfecting me? No! He treats us all with the same discipline, mercy and lovingkindness when we continue to be faithful and serve Him with praises and thanksgiving!
As Isaiah spoke from the Lord’s message: “Don’t be afraid. I have rescued you. I have called you by name; now you belong to me. When you cross deep rivers, I will be with you, and you won’t drown. When you walk through fire, you won’t be burned or scorched by the flames.” (Isaiah 43:1-2) “Our name is Christian. In all our suffering He also suffered… and He personally recued us. In His love and mercy He redeemed us.” (Isaiah 63:9, NLT)