God led me back to a book called Beet the Odds by Nathan S. Bryan, PAS, and Carolyn Pierine CLS, (ASCP), CNC, (Neogenis Laboratories, ©2013). With all our health issues and a worldwide pandemic, we need to improve our immune systems and transform numerous health issues.
Pray and obey! I recommend this book. (Please recall that our Bible tells us to get all the education we can!) I am enjoying reading and meditating on it.
In 1988, three scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for research into the importance of nitric oxide and human health. Nitric oxide regulates and controls blood flow to organs and tissues as the body starts to fail. Olympic athletes have declared that beets improved their performance. The history of beet juice for health (and their color, popular in Russia and Eastern Europe and also in cosmetics and dyes) remains valid today. My daddy loved beets, so I’ve been around them all my life. Some studies show beets work more than vitamin C to increase antioxidant activities. As early as 1980 there were studies into the pigments in beets (Nillson) and skin hydration (Tagami, et al.).
Check out current research. More recently, 2019 studies on beets’ effect on hypertension (Dicarlo, et al.) and brain cell studies (since 2011) indicate that nitric oxide from beets influences critical biological functions and cells. Imagine how something as simple as eating beets can have such an effect on your health.
People with chronic illnesses (diabetes, arthritis, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.) and smokers often change habits for health reasons. I live with type 2 diabetes, so I’ve changed my food and health practices. I am discovering worthy aspects of health benefits for personal and family vitality, appearance, and joy in daily living. I am now 88 years old. Like my diet, my biblical meditations have continued to change. The Holy Spirit brings great Joy as He leads us to wise diet and medical choices versus guilt over wrong eating etc.
Praise the Lord that working with people who are homeless for the past two years has helped the Ark grow in sheltering and “being in Christ”. Jesus is our light to come out of darkness if we follow where He leads. We can forgive anger. We can avoid drinking to forget. We can do it if we trust Jesus instead of focusing on deceit or anger.
Choose to obey and receive real truth, joy, and self- control, the “fruit of the Spirit”. Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to help us develop true and complete newness and turn away from wrong thinking and behaviors. Meditate on ways to receive God’s blessing and be thankful instead of wallowing in bitterness, anger, hate, hostility, unforgiveness and resentment toward others.
Do you believe God will meet ALL your needs? He can help you forgive and forget. Trust Jesus! Our Savior can stop our focus on fear or deceit when we look in the Bible as the Promised Land for true completeness in obedience. Choose Godly attitudes and focus daily on GOOD! As we study, research, and meditate with Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit, our energy and understanding increase and come under control. That purifies our hearts and develops our faith. With that research, we can harness the teachings of the Spirit for our spiritual health and wellness. We can be thankful.
Set aside daily private time and talk with Him. As we do, we become the people He wants each of us to be! Do you meditate on what God says instead of trying to do it yourself? God wants to help you develop greater things than you can do alone. We can overcome and be thankful! Please continue to study, educate yourself, and sing thanks to Jesus, His beauty, victory, and blessing. Carry on with JOY!