My heavenly Father (and Yours) led me to ask my church for prayer and advice. That is very biblical. So as it says in Isaiah 28, one line at a time (step by step), God showed and told me what to do. For example, as I requested help for our community event May 10-12, an elder told me to contact the Muskogee Public Library and request a free room: “Sally, the Library often assists in community events such as this.”
It was pot luck Sunday, after church. As Garry and I filled our plates and sat down, our pastor joined us. He encouraged our movie event to help deaf people in our community. Then a friend, who just happened to work at the Muskogee Public Library (over 45 years) sat at our table. He told me what to do to get the room. Another line completed…the next step coming.
Originally, I had received a “Deaf Missions” calendar and information on needs of people who are deaf. I fasted and prayed for two weeks before asking for my husband’s prayer and input. Then, as God did “show and tell” me, and line upon line, at the finish of each revealed answer, a new task began.
On March 29th, God had a plan for a deaf-hearing coffeehouse. He showed me line by line. Line upon line, I completed Mother’s Day paperwork with the Library for our May event (Deaf Missions’ The Book of Job movie), airline ticket purchases for Deaf Missions’ Director of Outreach, Jose Abenchuchan to fly to Tulsa, and sought Ark Board input! All new tasks for me.
I was planning May but needed a host and feature for March 29 because my scheduled people could not come. I simply cried out to the Lord – “What, how, when, where, who Lord?” Then, I went back to finalizing the coffeehouse event.
Within five minutes, Vonda Bland phoned me: “Sally, I will be in your area March 29th, could I possibly share a few minutes at Coffeehouse? I immediately replied: “You and Steve can host the whole Coffeehouse and open mic.” WOW—God! I didn’t even make a proper prayer! He reminded me of numerous times in the Bible when people cried out with a loud voice and He answered! I quickly started contacting newspapers and ministries serving the deaf in Tulsa and Broken Arrow.
That Coffeehouse was needed so that Vonda and Steve could teach me a thing or two about videos that were signed in American Sign Language (ASL). They brought praise videos and drama videos involving BOTH deaf and hearing people. It was remarkable. They even gave us Mother’s Day song videos to use at the May event.
That Coffeehouse was terrific! Deaf people that the Ark had known over 21 years came; new people too – both hearing and deaf; ten deaf people in all.
Vonda used videos from their worldwide ministries to involved deaf and hearing participants in feature activities and open mic. She also involved us in a dramatized biblical scripture. Awesome! Their ministry is a family affair. Steve produces all their videos and the background and scenery is extremely beautiful. Two of their adopted deaf daughters sign with Vonda in the videos, as well. We closed with prayer, signed and spoken over individuals. God did it again!
So, another line finished as He lays out the Ark’s path. The key is to LISTEN, pray, obey, and continue on, so God can complete His work in each of us, using our giftings and talents. The thing that makes us able is through Jesus, God gave each of us the gift of Holy Spirit, our Helper, Teacher, Comforter and Friend. Listen to Him.