I am studying and meditating on this year’s call to ministry: reconciliation and ambassadorship.
I took out my Zondervan NIV Bible that we use for recovery program work at the Ark. It adds commentary on using scriptures for healing from addictions. One example is, “As we continue to explore just who this Higher Power is, we find that God is, among other things, the Great Reconciler.” As we continue our daily fellowship with Him through Christ, it says, “We become a New Person.”
All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation…not counting men’s sins against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” (II Corinthians 5:18-19, NIV)
While travailing (laboring) for this ministry to show forth in our community, I learned of another 8-year-old who committed suicide. Healing, and our battle for preventing suicide among children, will take all of us. Community members, prayer warriors, pastors, and leaders came together the end of 2018. Dr. Steve Wiley and the Ark presented a request to join efforts to stop the rising numbers of suicides by kids from 5 years old thru teens and mid-twenties. We came boldly to God’s throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace to help in this time of need.
The Ark offers a place of safety and relief for all needing comfort and help to overcome whatever they are battling! We use Ark space for action. A place to use all our gifts together to find comfort and rest from attacks of Satan, our great enemy.
As Dr. Steve stated, “We are calling upon You, our God, to rescue us, rescue our city, our families, our youth from this spirit of suicide and hopelessness. Redeem our lives in peace and comfort in You.”
Yesterday, when I saw and heard the news of another child committing suicide, my travail began anew! In March’s newsletter I spoke of how three Cs (consultation, conversation and committees) will not get the job done. So, I am being led to offer the Ark.
The Ark has teenagers’ beautiful original art framed and hung on our walls. We use art, music and poetry to bring people out of depression. In small groups (or one on one) God will help us make the needed changes in lifestyles if only we ask. He has given each of us gifts and told us to use them to benefit the body (our churches/families).
Our Teen Anger Management participants draw and paint during class sessions. One teenager started to toss her drawing after class. The drawing was beautiful! I asked for it. She hesitated but gave it…putting herself down. Later, when she saw it framed and hanging on the Ark’s wall, she was encouraged! Blessings come from our obedience to use our gifts. The blessings will increase as we become WILLING to see ourselves in a new light and offer support.
The Ark is following Christ’s example to give when asked. Our mission is to help. Please call the Ark at 918-682-8411 when you are in need and ASK for help.