Thanks to you who answered God’s call for Ark needs in October: Thanks to those who increased our financial blessings, furniture, food, and volunteers. Offers continue for assistance with fire restoration on the historic Ark building at 401 East Broadway and 429 East Broadway, our interim location.
We are grateful to our volunteers and work crews who willingly doing labor of cleanup and restoration with us, trash removal and hauling, painting, cleaning, and assisting with household maintenance. We appreciate our all-volunteer staff and board for daily labor and administrative work. Heartfelt thanks for anonymous donations for Teen Christmas Shoppe 2022.
We are humbled by so many donors who do not want public credit for their generosity. Our constant gratitude for our regular Prayer Warriors. We thank God for each of you who help us physically and encourage us spiritually. Thank God for our volunteers who faithfully continue to give out meals and hygiene kits and keep the Ark running. The Ark exists because of our Triune God and EACH of your ethnicities, cultures, skills, talents, gifts, and prayers. We thank you for your Matthew 25:35-40 work of caring for our neighbors as if doing it for our Savior.