Thanks to you who answered God’s call for Ark needs in November: To our daily prayer warriors, God bless you for interceding for our work. We thank our financial donors who contribute our building and operating costs. We appreciate our all-volunteer Board and staff for faithful commitment that keeps the Ark running and in condition to serve. We are grateful for every donor of turkeys, hams, sweet potatoes, green beans, salads, and sides for our Thanksgiving Dinner for the homeless and the Ministerial Alliance luncheon! Teen Christmas Shoppe thanks Dr. Ciara L. Bostick for her books as well as Muskogee Police Department for the bicycles. We thank the Ray’s House volunteers who mow the Ark’s lawn and the local stores and restaurants that donate food to serve at Ark events for homeless people and senior citizens. We appreciate William Troop for the Christmas tablecloths and for hosting the November 12 Coffeehouse. The Ark exists because of our Triune God and EACH of your ethnicities, cultures, skills, talents, gifts, and prayers. We thank you for your Matthew 25:35-40 work of caring for our neighbors as if doing it for our Savior.