Did you know the Ark is run solely by volunteers like you, and with your generous donations?
ARK NEEDS FOR FEBRUARY 2020 Donate Online or CALL: 918-682-8411
FINANCES – for extra utilities in the cold, materials for Winter programs, $800 to finish reprinting Alone with God at Christmas, our free giveaway prayer and meditation book.
DAILY PRAYER – Expert advice as the Board makes plans for the new year, intercessory prayer, prayers for Ark staff, prayers for our FREEDOM initiative of suicide prevention for kids and youth in our community, and prayers for good advice and the Board’s wise decisions for the new year.
PAST COFFEEHOUSE PERFORMING ARTISTS – Encore appearances at Lamplighter on Old Favorites Fridays the 4th Friday of each month. Let us know when you are available to schedule.
VETERANS – guitars, ukuleles, autoharps (or funds for) to donate to those who learn them in our Thursday veterans’ guitar classes and get to keep the instrument they learn; also, toiletries, art supplies, games…
HYGIENE KITS – Sample-, travel-, or hotel-size shampoos, lotions, deodorants, soaps, washcloths, razors, combs, toothbrushes, and toothpaste in quart-size plastic baggies.