We need to remind ourselves daily of good things.
Victories in our lives! Focus on good things, cease negative thinking and talk! Roadblocks to communication such as: I feel like, it seems like to me, and talking when we need to be listening—hinder triumph.
Remember when we listen carefully, it does not mean we are agreeing. It gives us another point of view. One example is the way men and women communicate with each other: Women want to discuss things to reduce their stress; men want to skip discussion and state their solutions.
In this world we will know trials and tribulations. (John 16:33, NKJV) Still we have God’s promise of triumph. We all have setbacks, disappointments and failures. Again, Romans 8:28, in love with Father God, Jesus name, and Holy Spirit leading—there is a purpose—victory is ours. Yes, both good and bad are used together for His will…purpose.
If we follow the Holy Spirit’s lead and use Jesus’ name, we overcome! We know victory in Jesus! We are to learn from mistakes. Then we might be able to help someone else because of what we learned to do or not to do.
If we focus on victories, even miracles, our faith and confidence are strengthened. This is part of the journey into perfection.
Remember, every good and perfect gift comes from Him. (James 1:17, KJV) Take time to praise and thank Him for His favor and man’s favor. (Proverbs 3:4, NIV) Continue to pray and ask for His favor and man’s. God will make a way when it appears to be no way. (Isaiah 34:16-19, KJV) He will open doors for you to move forward. Jeremiah 19:11 (GNB) states God “alone knows the plans He has for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.”
Roman 8:28 says He has a purpose for His way of creating the mind of Christ in each of us. It takes both good and bad and His love to develop Christ’s mind, attitude and self-control in us. We must let the Perfecter do His work in us. We need to follow Christ’s examples and seek alone time with Father God and the Holy Spirit – often. We need to freely acknowledge and thank God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We must develop ways to confess our deepest needs and concerns about the issues of life. Sometimes, we forget about our body language and tone of voice and confuse people.
The grace of God is the thing that helps us sustain positive attitudes even amidst suffering. Still, evil is rampant in our world. We must recognize this and not develop negative attitudes. As Christians, our life in Christ must be an honest response. God is using Psalms to help me see Him and keep an open communication with Him.
We must be honest with God about our negative attitudes and our positive ones. We must receive the Holy Spirit’s help to express our praise and thanksgiving.
Please read Psalm 145:1-7, then follow its example of exalting God every day. I see the Psalmists express their honest reactions in all situations, e.g., “I am in pain and distress; May Your salvation, Oh God, protect me.” (Psalm 69:29) Lead on, Holy Spirit, lead on.