FINANCES — for Fall utilities and facility winterization; $2000 is needed to repair the skylight
Opened in 1907, our building is 101 years old. The Chapel skylight (formerly the Carnegie library’s reference tower skylight) is continually leaky. Informal patches no longer hold and winter is coming! We must raise $2000 to professionally repair the skylight!
DAILY PRAYER — for our Fall class participants and teachers
STAFF / VOLUNTEERS – Ark-A-Tech COMPUTER TECHNICIAN(s);garden and landscaping workers
PROGRAMS – Materials for coming Fall programs, Bibles for the Deaf (these are different than regular Bibles)VETERANS —
GUITARS/AUTOHARPS/Stringed Instruments for our high-demand music class, and toiletries, first aid and art supplies,games, books, etc.
NOTE: When donating to veterans programs specifically, PLEASE DESIGNATE “Veterans” so we can track your